Redefining Healthcare


Hair transplantation aims to restore a more youthful appearance for those distressed by hair loss, particularly androgenetic alopecia. This activity reviews the evaluation and management of patients undergoing hair transplantation and explains the role of the inter professional team in improving care for patients who undergo this procedure.


The success of body contouring surgery will largely depend on the correct choice and performance of the technique, and utilization of the necessary scientific measures. Thus, this study sought to highlight the combination and evolution of the abdominoplasty-assisted liposuction technique, while individualizing each case for the patient’s benefit.


The skin, the largest organ of the body, is the organ in which changes associated with aging are most visible. With increasing frequency, patients are requesting information and treatments that improve the appearance of their skin. Corresponding to this trend, there is an increasing number of products and methods available that claim to aid this pursuit. First, a change of the patient's lifestyle (eg, sun behavior, nicotine abuse, and nutrition) must take place. Only then may other methods be used. This article reflects on the following topics: topical retinoids, peels, botulinum neurotoxin, soft tissue fillers, lasers, topical and systemic endocrinological therapies, and phytohormones.


Everyone wants white pearly teeth, which enhance their smile and confidence, but some people have discolored teeth or have stains on their teeth for many reasons. Discolored teeth also disturb the facial appearance making it unattractive.

If you want a brighter smile, consider none other than teeth whitening in Islamabad.


Facial cosmetic surgery focuses on improving patient facial appearance. Common surgical procedures include rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhytidectomy (facelift), browlift, genioplasty (chin augmentation), otoplasty (ear repositioning), liposuction, and fat transfer. Many patients seek surgical treatment to reverse changes that occur with aging, such as loose skin, decreased tissue volume around the face and neck, crow's-feet at the corner of eyes, fine lines on the forehead, loss of jawline contour, sagging jowl, and double chin.


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